Every fall CNHS physics classes participate in the annual boat race. Students use the boat building process to learn about buoyancy. Students are required to build a boat using only cardboard, duct tape, and plastic wrap. The boat they create has to be able to float and navigate through an obstacle course.
“The boat making process was fun, it took a while, we made our boat six pieces of cardboard thick. Our theme was The Flash, because my partner and I love watching ‘The Flash’,” said Junior Scotty Flores. Boat designs ranged from Lifeguards to Naval Battleships.
The most anticipated event is the boat race that comes after each student boat has navigated though the obstacle course. Extra Credit is offered to the winning team.
“It was a lot of fun (the race). Actually not really, I thought the race was one way down the pool not down and back. I tried to grab the finish line and fell into the water” said Flores.
Former physics students usually come back to watch the annual race. “It’s interesting to watch the races,” said Senior Olivia Norris.
Norris also volunteered as a lifeguard at this year’s beat race. “Thankfully I didn’t have to save anyone from drowning”. The boat race season concluded successfully, with students beginning to dive into AP material.