CNHS Entrepreneurs


Studying business and entrepreneurship is a great way to gain valuable working experience across many industries. As such, several CNHS students decided to further their education aside from the typical high school courses. This includes taking the reins in their own hands and starting something of their own. Here are a few words from senior Ethan Lax about how he started his business, Columbus Vintage.

How did you come up with your business?

“I came up with my business as I had been thrifting for a while and had accumulated too many clothes. I began to sell those clothes and created an Instagram page to advertise.”

How has COVID affected your business?

“Covid has affected how often I can go to certain thrift stores to get inventory. During the heat of covid I wasn’t able to go to any thrift stores and shipping was drastically slowed down”

How does your school schedule work with your business?

“I run cross country and Track and a lot of those days I get out around 5:30 which makes me have to manage my time wisely. With only 4 hours a day to myself I have to make sure I use it in a way that I can get homework done and my own personal projects done.”

What would you say to someone wanting to start their own business?

“I would say that you should take the risk but not to jump into everything so quickly. If you haven’t started at all or have a small following, take that extra time to plan new ideas out. At that moment nobody is really watching you. When you grow or are deep into the process of running your business it is hard to go back and take time with those little things.”