Flags flying, batons spinning, and music playing, North’s winter guard team takes the stage. They perform together as a team but Junior Sage Beagle explains their close relationship.
“I’m very close with almost all of them, we are more like a family,” Beagle said.
Sophomore Grace Shelton agrees.
“This team is important to me because they are now my family,” Shelton said “Through every practice, performance, argument, days and nights, we have become so reliant on each other that when one falls, we all do.”
Beagle says the team is very dedicated, practicing at least 9 hours a week.
“I think our team brings lots of dedication to the table; we work hard a minimum of 9 hours a week perfecting our show and working on technique to improve our skills,” Beagle said.
Senior Kate London enjoys getting to perform in their shows.
“I really enjoy the musicality and performance aspects, it’s really fun to put on a show with a storyline and feel like I’m getting in character,” London said. “The feeling of being in front of an audience and knowing they’re watching you and clapping for you is exhilarating. It’s amazing to know that you’ve worked hard to put out something worth watching,”
Shelton also enjoys the support of the crowd.
“I enjoy performing because the second I step onto the field or tarp, everything just goes silent,” Shelton said. “The crowd’s screams turn into muffles, and I feel like everything is at ease now. It’s just me and my performance. The adrenaline rush gets to you, becoming this craving you desire more and more, and the best part is once you’re done and reality sets back in, you hear the same screams you heard before. These screams are different though. They are rewarding, with a sense of pride and accomplishment in them.”
So far the team has accomplished a lot, bringing home first in every competition they’ve attended.
“I’m looking forward to our next competition,” Shelton said. “So far we have placed first at all of our comps and I hope we can qualify to make state because that would be amazing and such a great experience.”
London also hopes to possibly medal this season.
“I’m really looking forward to state finals because I think our team has a really good chance of meddling this year,” London said “Our show is incredible and this group of kids have worked really hard to perform it to their best abilities.”
It’s not all about performing. One of Beagle’s highlights is socializing with her teammates.
“A highlight is definitely the socialization from it and being your true self without a care,” Beagle said. “Especially when we’re all singing on the bus to competition and doing our makeup.”
London also thinks a big highlight of the sport is being with friends.
“The highlights really are just being there with your friends,” London said. “Spending all day with your closest friends and working together towards the same goal is a great feeling, especially when you get to win together.”
Although, Shelton says the sport itself can be a lot.
“Guard is a major commitment, and time management is the most important thing you need, or you’ll crumble,” Shelton said. “You eat, breathe, and sleep straight guard, and it can be a lot, but the second you try to leave, you just get sucked back in. We all try our best, pushing ourselves to our limits by doing skills people deem impossible, but we love it, so even when we complain at times, we apologize the second we get the thing we were working for.”
In the end, Beagle is grateful and thinks it’ll be an experience she looks back on with joy.
“I’m incredibly grateful for every opportunity it has given me and every friendship that has come out of it,” Beagle said. “It will always be something I look back on and cherish.”