College Day. Dress Like Your Favorite Teacher Day. Vacation Day. Every year during the last week before Spring Break, Student Assembly assigns each day a different theme for students to dress according to. Student Assembly sponsor Sara Zimmerman explains the process of deciding on the themes each year.
“We do a big meeting with everybody on Student Assembly during one of our Wednesday meetings and they break up by grade level,” Zimmerman said. “Each grade level discusses what they think would be good themes and they pull them all together. Then the Council that meets with Mr. Marsh every week narrows it down.”
Student Assembly member Olive Mantooth shares one of her favorite Blah Week themes.
“They usually do a beach theme,” Mantooth said. “I always enjoy wearing a layered Hawaiian shirt on the last day before break.”
Zimmerman described certain themes that she enjoys.
“I really like the idea of ‘Dress like a Teacher/Dress like a Student Day,’” Zimmerman said. “We get to flip flop the roles. I’ve seen other schools do it and I think it’s a little bit funny.”
Senior RuthAnne Gilroy explained how she felt about Blah Week this year.
“I am excited for Blah Week, especially as a senior,” Gilroy said. “I’ve been trying to do the dress-up themes more.”
Gilroy added that she doesn’t believe everyone shares her sentiment.
“It feels like more and more people have stopped dressing up,” Gilroy said.
Zimmerman explains one reason why students may not be dressing up for Blah Week.
“Some themes are easier to participate in than others,” Zimmerman said. “Not everyone may have something to wear for a specific day.”
Mantooth agrees that her wardrobe limits how much she can participate.
“I usually do participate unless I just don’t have something to wear,” Mantooth said. “But if I have something, I’ll participate.”
Gilroy adds that she also sometimes struggles to find things to wear that goes with the themes.
“I don’t usually have what the outfit requires, so I just don’t do it,” Gilroy said.
Zimmerman says that Student Assembly considered this when deciding this year’s themes.
“We’re trying to get some themes that are a bit easier for people to do,” Zimmerman said.
But Gilroy thinks that other factors may be at play, too.
“I feel like I hear a lot of people complain about the themes and not think that they’re fun,” Gilroy said.
Zimmerman also has her own theory.
“I think part of it is that not everyone knows the themes,” Zimmerman said. “It’s hard to get all the information out.”
Mantooth adds that she believes people are reluctant to look different.
“I think, a lot of times, people don’t really want to stick out by dressing up,” Mantooth said.