Business is competitive, and every business has its way of competition. In the case of high school business clubs competing against each other, it is no different; proving and showcasing you have the proper credentials to manage a business. Senior Anushka Damle, who is president of DECA, explains what the club does.
“DECA is a business competition club with multiple different events,” Damle said. “Members can compete at District, State, and International levels.“
Junior Noah Dornfeld tells how DECA prepares for competitions.
“[At competitions] we are doing role play, so we don’t have to bring anything prepared for the competition, but we are going to study the past role plays and do practice tests,“ Dornfeld said.
Dornfeld explained in further detail how past experiences and competitions can benefit present day competitions by doing practice tests.
“The practice tests are to study for the real test, which you take prior to the competitions and is worth half of your score, “ Dornfeld said.
For competitions, there are three main levels throughout the year.
“The first [competition] is Districts in January, then State in March, and the International Career Development conference in April.” Damle said.
Damle explained more about the specifics of each DECA competition.
“To advance to each next level of competition, you must qualify at the previous competition, placing in top two, or top three in your event,” Damle said.
Within the competitions, there are 25 different divisions to test various business-related skills. Junior Ayla Glick described her event, and how she prepares for competitions.
“My event is Hospitality and Tourism Team Decision Making,” Glick said. “To prepare for the event, my group and I go over prior role plays and study the performance points given by DECA.”
Damle described how DECA events are judged and scored.
“In most events in DECA, members will receive a scenario during their event that they will prepare and present information to a judge displaying their business knowledge,” Damle said. “Their score in that roleplay will then be combined with a test score on whichever business sector their event falls within.”
Damle added that the club meets to discuss upcoming events.
“We meet around once every month to discuss competition logistics, coach members through event information and answer any questions people have,” Damle said. “Most meetings are oriented around specific upcoming events, such as event selection, the recent District competition, and State scheduling.”
Damle explained that DECA is a club for everyone, regardless of what classes or pathways students are in.
“You definitely do not need to be in a business class to take part in DECA,” Damle said. “If you are interested in joining next year’s DECA team, talk to Mr. Campbell in room 2420 and lookout for next year’s callout meeting information.”